Friday, August 1, 2014

Budgeting Beauty Tag

Hello everyone,
I was recently tagged by the beautiful Elizabeth of 22 Fashion Engineers.
You can check Elizabeth's channel right here
It is all about how we budget our beauty products.

If you want to join in on your blog, feel free to participate! here are the questions:

Q1: Do you have a weekly/ bi-weekly/ monthly etc budget?
Q2: Do you save to buy or do you buy on impulse?
Q3: Knowing what you know now about cosmetics, if you had all the money you spent on your collection, would you buy it back (as is)?
Q4: If you had an unlimited budget, what would you splurge on?
Q5: You get a gift card to your favorite cosmetics store. What do you spend most of it on: Nailpolish, Eyeshadows/ Palettes, Eye products, Face Products, Lips Products, Skincare or Fragrance?
Q6 If high end brands wouldn't be as expensive, would they be as appealing to you?
Q7 What is your most expensive product that's totally worthed?
Q8 What is your least expensive product that totally surprised you?
Q9 Do you build your collection with a plan or do yo just buy items and help for the best?
Q10 What are your tips and advice for not breaking the budget?

I have tagged a Youtuber on the video but would be delighted to tag 2 blog friends as well:
There is Marghe of Zauberin Zebulon who does gorgeous makeup combos. I love how she uses colours!
Check her blog right here

The other person I would love to tag is Julie of Just Julie. Because she has an AMAZING blog and is always trying and discovering great new products! Don't miss her blog right here

And if you want to join in , please feel free to leave a comment and I will pay a visit to your blog asap!

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hi dear Patricia, thanks a lot for tagging me!!
    In my next post I will answer to this tag surely! Now I can't see yr video but when I have time I'll check it out! =)
    Have a nice evening
    Kisses :*
